Bobcatsss Newsletter n° 45

Board members from 2021 to 2022

Paavo Arvola (Tampereen yliopisto, Finland)
Ina Blümel (Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany)
Joumana Boustany (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)
Carla Colombati (Università degli studi di Teramo, Italy)
Lowie van Eck (Marnix Academie, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Jesus Gascón Garcia (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Ana Lúcia Terra (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Tania Todorova (University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria) chair

Board members
January 22, 2020. Board meeting

Bobcatsss Newsletter n° 44

BOBCATSSS Association Appeals of Solidarity to Ukraine

BOBCATSSS Association (former EUCLID – European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) expresses solidarity and supports the EBLIDA, NAPLE, Public Libraries 2030 and their partners initiatives and Call – Libraries for Ukraine, on behalf of the community of the European LIS education and research units, members of the Bobcatsss Association.

For contact with BOBCATSSS

Challenge for Students

This year BOBCATSSS is celebrating 30ty years!

30ty years during which BOBCATSSS turned into an experience incomparable to anything else! And here comes the opportunity to share how BOBCATSSS changes your lives!

The essay and photo/poster/collage competition starts and on the conference in 23-25 May 2022 in Debrecen the winners will be announced.

For the essay – 1 page answering the questions “What is BOBCATSSS to you and What is the spirit of BOBCATSSS?”.

For the Photo/Poster/Collage – make a poster/collage of your memories about BOBCATSSS or one photo that represents the spirit of BOBCATSSS!

Share your BOBCATSSS memories in a text or photo/collage/poster!

Send your work to 15th April 2022 to: 

Awards: Free entrance to BOBCATSSS 2023 (25-27 January) in OsloMet, Norway!  

Text and idea: Svetoslava Dimitrova, University of Library Studies and Information Technology, Sofia, BOBCATSSS participant 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 in progress

BOBCATSSS 2020 Proceedings Book


We are glad to announce that BOBCATSSS 2023 (25-27 January 2023) will be for the first time in Norway! 

Main organizer of the Conference will be Oslo Metropolitan University, Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science.

In that year’s Open call for the BOBCATSSS organizers we received two very strong candidatures.

BOBCATSSS 2021 was a virtual edition, due to the COVID-19 worldwide crisis. The host were Porto Polytechnic (ISCAP). The virtual event was interesting and inspiring, but all participants wish to be in a beautiful Portugal…

In connection with that, BOBCATSSS Association Board, based on the receiving application, decided BOBCATSSS 2024 to be in Coimbra, Portugal!

Main organizer of BOBCATSSS 2024 will be Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information (Information Section), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

 Further information at: and at BOBCATSSS Association Newsletters.