Call for Organizers and Contributors 2025-2026

The BOBCATSSS Board invites European LIS departments to submit applications to be the main organizers of the BOBCATSSS 2025 and 2026 conferences. 

Applications can be submitted between July 17, 2023 and November 30, 2023. 

The call for co-organizers and other contributions is continuous. Other contributions may be as simple as an open offer to assist. All offers to be involved and assist are greatly appreciated. 

Selection of the main organizer for the 2025 conference will be made by the Board before or by December 15, 2023. Selection of the main organizer for the 2026 conference will be made before or by March 15, 2024.

Link to the application form

Questions? Please contact the board members.

BOBCATSSS Association Appeals of Solidarity to Ukraine

BOBCATSSS Association (former EUCLID – European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) expresses solidarity and supports the EBLIDA, NAPLE, Public Libraries 2030 and their partners initiatives and Call – Libraries for Ukraine, on behalf of the community of the European LIS education and research units, members of the Bobcatsss Association.

For contact with BOBCATSSS


We are glad to announce that BOBCATSSS 2023 (25-27 January 2023) will be for the first time in Norway! 

Main organizer of the Conference will be Oslo Metropolitan University, Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science.

In that year’s Open call for the BOBCATSSS organizers we received two very strong candidatures.

BOBCATSSS 2021 was a virtual edition, due to the COVID-19 worldwide crisis. The host were Porto Polytechnic (ISCAP). The virtual event was interesting and inspiring, but all participants wish to be in a beautiful Portugal…

In connection with that, BOBCATSSS Association Board, based on the receiving application, decided BOBCATSSS 2024 to be in Coimbra, Portugal!

Main organizer of BOBCATSSS 2024 will be Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information (Information Section), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

 Further information at: and at BOBCATSSS Association Newsletters.

Bobcatsss Association community meeting

20 January 2021 16:00 CET
Was in Zoom

It is open for anyone to participate with a low threshold – just come. There is a (remote) chance of voting for the new board members.
In order to be allowed to vote (not only to participate),
please register to me paavo dot arvola at tuni dot fi,
with your name and affiliation on or before January 20th.


  1. Welcome (chair: Paavo Arvola)
  2. Review of the activities in 2020 (chair: Paavo Arvola)
    • Board issues
    • Web page and other media
    • Strategic and action plan
  3. Board term
    • Suggestion: new board starts annually after the BC conference
  4. Board election for EUCLID/Bobcatsss Association
    Candidates and board size (currently 7)
  5. Future BOBCATSSS
    Bobcatsss 2022.
    Open call for organizing BOBCATSSS 2023
  1. Other issues

Call for organizers and contributors

The Association invites bids from institutions to organize BOBCATSSS 2023. The call for main organizers takes place during September 2020-February 2021.

The related call for co-organizers and other contributions is continuous.

All decisions will be made by the BOBCATSSS Association board. The main organizer decision for 2023 BOBCATSSS will be made during March 2021 and will be informed to all applicants.

Link to the application form

Bobcatsss ?

BOBCATSSS is an annual symposium in the field of library and information science. It is a tradition which has been passed on from one country to another since 1993. It is held under the auspices of EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) and is organized by students from at least two universities.

Bobcatsss is created for students, professors, employees and professionals of libraries and information field.

In the name ‘BOBCATSSS’, each letter stands for the first letter of the city that initiated a symposium in 1993:
